Showing posts with label Da Mouth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Da Mouth. Show all posts

Sunday, February 12, 2023


大嘴巴(英文:Da Mouth),是台灣於2007年成立的流行嘻哈組合,由4名不同背景文化愛紗、懷秋、MC40以及宗華所組織而成,組合形式以三男一女組合。於2007年11月以出道作品《結果咧》引起注目。其以流行電音的曲風與魅力動感的獨特風格而深獲好評,並獲得第19屆金曲獎及第22屆金曲獎的最佳演唱組合獎。2016年8月20日,合約到期後,因健康因素為由不再續約,團員各自單飛解散。

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Aisha lost a million

[US] Aisha enjoys her life at home very much, and has a very fulfilling life every day. [TW] 愛紗很享受在家的生活,每天都過得相當充實。

[US] Aisha's new job is quite anticipated. [TW] 愛紗新工作讓人相當期待。

Shockingly reveals that the performing arts have big plans

The Japanese actress Aisha came to Taiwan in 2000. She used to be a big-mouthed female lead singer in the group. Her strength is obvious to all. Recently, she has focused on operating online channels and continues to be active in variety shows. However, the outbreak of the epidemic has indeed hit her pocketbook hard. "Sanli News Network" revealed that I lost millions during this period and can only do some work that I can do at home to make a living, such as broadcasting live broadcasts and job assignments. Regarding future work arrangements, she said that she is indeed secretly preparing a major plan, and if the results go well, she will definitely announce it as soon as possible.

Aisha said that she cooks live at home every day, and the main content focuses on cooking and interacting with fans. She laughed that she has spent more and more time in the kitchen in the past two years. In addition to her culinary skills, she did not forget to read many books "I want to fly into the sky", "Everything なりゆき樹希林のことば", chasing dramas and listening to music. I do, I like to listen to chill music!"

Speaking of losses, Aisha confessed that at least 7 figures are missing, but there are still jobs that can be done at home to make up for income, such as job matching and live broadcasting. At this stage, she also looks forward to returning to work as soon as possible, "I enjoy my work. I also attach great importance to life." I don’t worry about the sudden influx of work to fill up the itinerary, "I think I can arrange it just right."

Aisha finally said mysteriously that she is currently planning a major work project, "it will be revealed in a secret mode, and it is still in preliminary negotiations." Is it in the field of drama, hosting or singing? She clung to her tone, "It will take some time to be sure, I really can't say." Looking forward to a smooth result and the support of fans.


愛紗痛失百萬 驚曝演藝有大計畫


愛紗表示每天都在家下廚開直播,內容主軸圍繞在邊料理、邊跟粉絲們互動,笑說這兩年在廚房的時間越來越多了。除了精進廚藝,她也不忘閱讀多本書籍《我想飛進天空》 、《一切なりゆき 樹木希林のことば》、追劇和聽音樂,「音樂是早上起來到客廳打開窗簾之後,第二個做的事情,我喜歡聽chill music!」



Love yarn pride: Taiwan makes life richer

The actress Chida Aisha, who was born in Okinawa, Japan, recently recalled the key to Taiwan’s development on Facebook. She said that she had only three days to think about whether she wanted to make her debut in Taiwan. In an hour and a half, you can try it at such a close distance! Regarding her choice, Aisha proudly said, "The choice at that time was not wrong!"

In the variety show "Super Sunday" in 2000, Aisha formed a girl group "Sunday Girls" with Mai Sato, Tomoko Kogen and others. The group was disbanded in 2002, and most of the members chose to return to Japan. Aisha stayed in Japan. Acting and hosting in Taiwan, she continued to challenge her diversified outlook, and later became the female lead singer of the hip-hop group "Big Mouth" in 2007. She released multiple albums and was awarded the "Golden Melody Award for Best Singing Group" twice in 2008 and 2011 respectively. prize".

"I was often asked "What opportunity did I do in the performing arts industry?" on my face, and revealed that I was rather shy when I was a child. It was not until I was 8 years old that I started to feel confident and independent. When she came to Taiwan for the opportunity to develop, Aisha revealed that there were only three days to consider whether to come to Taiwan. The 17-year-old simply wanted to say that Taiwan and Okinawa are very close, and it is not difficult to go home.

In Taiwan’s life, Aisha has experienced the establishment and dissolution of a girl group, contacted host and performer, and also served as the female lead singer of "Big Mouth". However, Aisha said that she had never regretted coming to Taiwan to develop, but was thankful for herself. The brave decision at the time, "I am now very sure and confident to tell you that the choice at that time was not wrong, because coming to Taiwan, my life has become very rich." It revealed that Taiwan has brought her a rich life.




愛紗2000年時在綜藝節目《超級星期天》,和佐藤麻衣、高原朋子等人組成女團「Sunday Girls」 出道,團體於2002年解散,大部分的團員都選擇回到日本,愛紗則是留在台灣演戲、主持,繼續挑戰自己的多元面貌,後來2007年時成為嘻哈團體「大嘴巴」的女主唱,發行多張專輯,並分別在2008、2011年兩度獲頒「金曲獎最佳演唱組合獎」。



Aisha rarely reveals an opportunity for her debut!

It only took "three days" to decide to come to Taiwan: the choice at that time was not wrong

Japanese actress Aisha (Chida Aisha) has made her debut in Taiwan for many years, and has accumulated a lot of fame and won the love of many fans. She was originally selected as a girl group from the "Super Mobilization Order: Japanese Beautiful Girl" contest. A member of "Sunday Girls" debuted and released a record in Taiwan! After the group was disbanded, she and another member Mai continued to stay in Taiwan to develop. Fortunately, she joined the group "Big Mouth" and continued to develop her singing career. She is still working hard in the performing arts circle. Recently, she recalled why she came to Taiwan to develop. Regarding the matter, Aisha also posted a sensual post on Facebook and attached a video of singing on stage when she was 8 years old, which aroused enthusiastic attention and discussion among netizens!

Aisha posted on Facebook on the 26th a video of her performance when she was 8 years old, letting everyone see her in a white dress, singing and dancing with another partner on stage, her appearance is very cute! And she also wrote in her post that people often ask her about the opportunity to enter the show business. She said, "In the beginning, her parents tried to help her discover her interests, so she was asked to learn piano, traditional art, karate, writing brush, and communication. Education, abacus, etc." She even bluntly said that only the performance she learned in the performing arts school made her full of enthusiasm!

In addition, Ai Sha also revealed that she was relatively introverted and shy when she was a child, very insecure, and liked to stay with her parents, but since she was exposed to acting, she gradually built up self-confidence and became more independent. Later, she was given the opportunity to come to Taiwan to develop, but she was under time pressure and she had to make a decision within three days!

Ai Sha revealed that she originally planned to fly from her hometown of Okinawa to Tokyo to find a job, but she did not expect to be able to "go abroad for development" suddenly, so she made up her mind to come to Taiwan within three days! She also said, "The idea at the time was very simple. It took only an hour and a half to fly from Okinawa to Taipei. I could do my favorite performance and learn Chinese. Flying to Taiwan is definitely killing two birds with one stone~", but then she also encountered it along the way. A lot of ups and downs.

In the end, Aisha also said firmly, "I am sure now, and I am confident that I can tell you that the choice at that time was not wrong." After coming to Taiwan, she believes that her life has become more abundant! After reading the article, many netizens left messages full of people who support Aisha, and Huang Shanliao of "One Shirt" also left a message saying, "It is very happy to be able to like one thing and like it for 30 years! Chie Tanaka, also a Japanese actress who lives in Taiwan, said, "Taiwan is a blessed land for both of us~".



日籍女星愛紗(千田愛紗)在台灣出道多年,累積了不少名氣,也獲得許多粉絲喜愛,她當初從「超級動員令之日本美少女」徵選活動中,被挑中為女團「Sunday Girls」一員出道,來台推出唱片!在團體解散後,她也跟另一位成員麻衣繼續留在台灣發展,她也幸運的加入團體「大嘴巴」繼續發展歌唱事業,至今仍在演藝圈努力不懈,最近回想起當時為何來台發展一事,愛紗也在臉書感性發文並附上8歲時上台唱歌的影片,引起網友們熱烈關注與討論!



