Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to increase the number of Youtube subscriptions? Youtube buys subscribers to recommend the number of subscribers, buys more likes and more fans


How to increase the influence of Youtuber channel?

Stably increase the number of channel subscribers, and videos are liked

According to statistics from the British Internet Marketing Research, Youtubers with high subscribers and viewers will operate relatively smoothly in the future. Subscribing to Youtube, watching videos, or likes is a way of brand packaging. As long as you don’t buy traffic to click on the ads, the singer releases the record. Many people buy the record out of their pockets and work hard to vote and send letters to the artists. This is also a very effective way in the early stage. Chong popular way. The same is true for Youtube and Vimeo. The number of subscriptions is not high. Of course, consider adding subscriptions first to gain basic attractiveness.

1. Increase the number of subscriptions

The subscribers of the channel can be regarded as the strongest loyal fans backing on Youtube. The stable and large number of subscribers means that the film has the priority of exposure after the channel video is released. Marketers know that popularity can easily lead to popularity; imagine that if there are not so many people buying and uploading videos for the newly launched milk tea at the same time, will there be a panic buying in the market later? The same is true for Youtube subscribers, with one hundred thousand subscriptions and 50 subscribed channels, the former is more likely to attract long-term attention from netizens.

100 subscriptions: NT$ 200

200 subscriptions: NT$ 350

500 subscriptions: NT$ 800

1000 subscriptions: NT$ 1,500

2000 subscriptions: NT$ 3,000

3000 subscriptions: NT$ 4,000

10,000 subscriptions: NT$ 10,000

2. Increase the number of likes

100 likes: NT$ 120

200 likes: NT$ 200

500 likes: NT$ 500

1000 likes: NT$ 900

2000 likes: NT$ 1,800

Third, the number of people watching the movie

Although the quality of creation is very important, other packaging will become the key to victory when encountering competitors of the same level. The high number of viewers will affect the attractiveness and the condition of continuing to watch. Use the number of viewers to attract the number of viewers, and the intimate service that can be selected for both high and low budgets! Most fans don’t sell viewing traffic that clicks on ads, so the channel owner is not at risk of being blocked by Google Adsense.

(1) High-quality global views (including viewing warranty):

According to YouTube's viewing review mechanism at the time, the optimized viewing mode is designed, and high-quality long-term browsing across dozens of countries around the world! Do not repeat IP for long time viewing. If you have purchased more than 100,000 views, you may even find that viewers come from more than 100 countries and regions. The videos that are being watched all over the world represent the popularity of the video and it is trustworthy. The actual viewing and viewing is more in line with Youtube or Vimeo's strict review mechanism! Includes viewing warranty. Do you want visitors to watch longer [Top View].

5,000 views: NT$ 1,350

10,000 views: NT$ 2,000

20,000 views: NT$ 3,800

30,000 views: NT$ 5,500

50,000 views: NT$ 8,000

100,000 views: NT$ 14,500

200,000 views: NT$ 27,500

300,000 views: NT$ 39,000

(2) 【VIP-Level Accurate TA】- Specified country netizens watch:

A large number of members all over the world demonstrated our high requirements for service quality, and can filter out the viewing of specific countries and regions for customers (for example: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, North America, Central and South America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia... etc.). Ensure that more than 80% of the viewing comes from the designated area, creating a perfect viewing experience.

10,000 views: NT$ 4,300

20000 views: NT$ 8,200

30000 views: NT$ 12,000

50000 views: NT$ 18,000

4. Youtuber live broadcast support

Live broadcasts, online auctions, online shopping, brand live broadcasts, bloggers, and Vloggers must not be sporadic during the live broadcast. Concentrate on the live broadcast, and call the popularity to us for assistance.



如何提升 Youtuber 頻道影響力?


英國網路行銷研究統計發現,有高訂閱和觀看人數的 Youtuber,於日後的經營過程相對順利。自己衝 Youtube 訂閱、影片觀看或按喜歡是一種品牌包裝方式,只要您不買流量去點擊廣告以前歌手出唱片,很多人自掏腰包買唱片、努力投票寄信給藝人,這也是一種在前期很有效地衝人氣方式。Youtube、Vimeo 也一樣,訂閱數不高,當然考慮先增加訂閱來獲得基礎吸引力。


頻道的訂閱者算是 Youtube 上最堅強的忠實粉絲後盾,穩定大數量的訂閱人數代表著頻道影片發布後影片有優先曝光的機會。行銷人員都知道,人氣容易帶人氣;不妨想像,新推出奶茶如果沒有同時那麼多人去搶購並上傳影片給大家看,後面會造成市場搶購潮嗎?Youtube 訂閱者也是一樣的道理,十萬訂閱和 50 個訂閱的頻道,前者更容易吸引網友長期關注。

100個訂閱:NT$ 200

200個訂閱:NT$ 350

500個訂閱:NT$ 800

1000個訂閱:NT$ 1,500

2000個訂閱:NT$ 3,000

3000個訂閱:NT$ 4,000

10000個訂閱:NT$ 10,000


100個喜歡:NT$ 120

200個喜歡:NT$ 200

500個喜歡:NT$ 500

1000個喜歡:NT$ 900

2000個喜歡:NT$ 1,800


雖然創作品質很重要,但遇到同等級的競爭者,其他的包裝將成為決勝關鍵。高觀看人數會是影響吸引力及繼續觀看的條件,用觀看數吸引觀看數,預算高低都有得選擇的貼心服務!粉絲多不銷售點擊廣告的觀看流量,所以頻道主沒有被 Google Adsense 封鎖帳號的風險。

(一) 高品質全球觀看次數(含觀看保固):

根據 YouTube 當時的觀看審查機制進行最佳化設計的觀看模式,跨全球數十國的高品質長時間瀏覽!不重複 IP 進行長時間觀看。如果您購買的觀看次數超過 10 萬次,甚至會發現觀看者來自高達 100 個以上的國家地區,全球都在看的影片,代表著該影片的熱門程度值得信任,真實的瀏覽觀看更符合 Youtube 或 Vimeo 嚴格的審查機制!含觀看保固。希望訪客觀看時間更長嗎【頂級觀看】。

5,000個觀看:NT$ 1,350

10,000個觀看:NT$ 2,000

20,000個觀看:NT$ 3,800

30,000個觀看:NT$ 5,500

50,000個觀看:NT$ 8,000

100,000個觀看:NT$ 14,500

200,000個觀看:NT$ 27,500

300,000個觀看:NT$ 39,000

(二) 【VIP級精準TA 】- 指定國家網友觀看:


10000個觀看:NT$ 4,300

20000個觀看:NT$ 8,200

30000個觀看:NT$ 12,000

50000個觀看:NT$ 18,000

四、Youtuber 直播支援

實況主、線上拍賣、線上購物、品牌直播、部落客、Vlogger 直播時絕對不能人氣零零星星,專心於直播,把人氣召集交給我們協助。