Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Riskified files for NYSE IPO

E-commerce fraud prevention solutions company Riskified was valued at $1 billion in its last fund-raising round in 2019.

Another Israeli unicorn is on its way to Wall Street: Riskified, developer of payment and credit fraud prevention solutions for e-commerce, has filed a prospectus for an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange. The company has not yet stated what valuation it seeks. In its last private fund raising round, in 2019, it was valued at $1 billion. Since it was founded, it has raised $229 million.

Riskified was founded by Eido Gal (CEO) and Assaf Feldman (CTO) in 2012. Among its shareholders are the Genesis, Qumra and Pitango venture capital firms, and also Fidelity and General Atlantic.

Like other Israeli technology companies that have reached Wall Street recently, Riskified presents growing revenue but is still not profitable. In 2020, its revenue totaled $170 million, up from $131 million in 2019. It posted a loss of $11.3 million in 2020, which compares with a loss of $14.2 million in 2019. EBITDA was positive in 2020, at $2.5 million.

In the first quarter of 2021, revenue grew to $55.1 million from $33.2 million in the corresponding quarter of 2020. The net loss was $43 million, which compares with breakeven in the corresponding quarter. The loss was mainly because of losses in connection with convertible preferred shares.

Last week, four Israeli companies became newly listed on Wall Street: Payoneer, Taboola, ironSource, and SentinelOne, the first three through mergers with SPACs, and the fourth in an IPO.

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Credit Suisse are acting as the lead book runners for Riskified's proposed offering.



電子商務欺詐預防解決方案公司 Riskified 在 2019 年的最後一輪融資中估值為 10 億美元。

另一家以色列獨角獸正在走向華爾街:Riskified,電子商務支付和信用欺詐預防解決方案的開發商,已提交在紐約證券交易所上市的招股說明書。該公司尚未說明其尋求的估值。在 2019 年的最後一輪私募融資中,它的估值為 10 億美元。自成立以來,它已籌集了 2.29 億美元。

Riskified 由 Eido Gal(首席執行官)和 Assaf Feldman(首席技術官)於 2012 年創立。其股東包括 Genesis、Qumra 和 Pitango 風險投資公司,以及 Fidelity 和 General Atlantic。

與最近進入華爾街的其他以色列科技公司一樣,Riskified 收入不斷增長,但仍未盈利。 2020 年,其收入總計 1.7 億美元,高於 2019 年的 1.31 億美元。2020 年虧損 1130 萬美元,而 2019 年虧損 1420 萬美元。2020 年 EBITDA 為正值,為 250 萬美元。

2021 年第一季度,收入從 2020 年相應季度的 3,320 萬美元增長至 5,510 萬美元。淨虧損為 4,300 萬美元,而同期則為盈虧平衡。虧損主要是與可轉換優先股有關的虧損。

上週,四家以色列公司在華爾街新上市:Payoneer、Taboola、ironSource 和 SentinelOne,前三家通過與 SPAC 合併,第四家通過 IPO。

高盛、摩根大通和瑞士信貸擔任 Riskified 提議發行的主要簿記管理人。

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