Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to increase the number of Youtube subscriptions? Youtube buys subscribers to recommend the number of subscribers, buys more likes and more fans


How to increase the influence of Youtuber channel?

Stably increase the number of channel subscribers, and videos are liked

According to statistics from the British Internet Marketing Research, Youtubers with high subscribers and viewers will operate relatively smoothly in the future. Subscribing to Youtube, watching videos, or likes is a way of brand packaging. As long as you don’t buy traffic to click on the ads, the singer releases the record. Many people buy the record out of their pockets and work hard to vote and send letters to the artists. This is also a very effective way in the early stage. Chong popular way. The same is true for Youtube and Vimeo. The number of subscriptions is not high. Of course, consider adding subscriptions first to gain basic attractiveness.

1. Increase the number of subscriptions

The subscribers of the channel can be regarded as the strongest loyal fans backing on Youtube. The stable and large number of subscribers means that the film has the priority of exposure after the channel video is released. Marketers know that popularity can easily lead to popularity; imagine that if there are not so many people buying and uploading videos for the newly launched milk tea at the same time, will there be a panic buying in the market later? The same is true for Youtube subscribers, with one hundred thousand subscriptions and 50 subscribed channels, the former is more likely to attract long-term attention from netizens.

100 subscriptions: NT$ 200

200 subscriptions: NT$ 350

500 subscriptions: NT$ 800

1000 subscriptions: NT$ 1,500

2000 subscriptions: NT$ 3,000

3000 subscriptions: NT$ 4,000

10,000 subscriptions: NT$ 10,000

2. Increase the number of likes

100 likes: NT$ 120

200 likes: NT$ 200

500 likes: NT$ 500

1000 likes: NT$ 900

2000 likes: NT$ 1,800

Third, the number of people watching the movie

Although the quality of creation is very important, other packaging will become the key to victory when encountering competitors of the same level. The high number of viewers will affect the attractiveness and the condition of continuing to watch. Use the number of viewers to attract the number of viewers, and the intimate service that can be selected for both high and low budgets! Most fans don’t sell viewing traffic that clicks on ads, so the channel owner is not at risk of being blocked by Google Adsense.

(1) High-quality global views (including viewing warranty):

According to YouTube's viewing review mechanism at the time, the optimized viewing mode is designed, and high-quality long-term browsing across dozens of countries around the world! Do not repeat IP for long time viewing. If you have purchased more than 100,000 views, you may even find that viewers come from more than 100 countries and regions. The videos that are being watched all over the world represent the popularity of the video and it is trustworthy. The actual viewing and viewing is more in line with Youtube or Vimeo's strict review mechanism! Includes viewing warranty. Do you want visitors to watch longer [Top View].

5,000 views: NT$ 1,350

10,000 views: NT$ 2,000

20,000 views: NT$ 3,800

30,000 views: NT$ 5,500

50,000 views: NT$ 8,000

100,000 views: NT$ 14,500

200,000 views: NT$ 27,500

300,000 views: NT$ 39,000

(2) 【VIP-Level Accurate TA】- Specified country netizens watch:

A large number of members all over the world demonstrated our high requirements for service quality, and can filter out the viewing of specific countries and regions for customers (for example: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, North America, Central and South America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia... etc.). Ensure that more than 80% of the viewing comes from the designated area, creating a perfect viewing experience.

10,000 views: NT$ 4,300

20000 views: NT$ 8,200

30000 views: NT$ 12,000

50000 views: NT$ 18,000

4. Youtuber live broadcast support

Live broadcasts, online auctions, online shopping, brand live broadcasts, bloggers, and Vloggers must not be sporadic during the live broadcast. Concentrate on the live broadcast, and call the popularity to us for assistance.



如何提升 Youtuber 頻道影響力?


英國網路行銷研究統計發現,有高訂閱和觀看人數的 Youtuber,於日後的經營過程相對順利。自己衝 Youtube 訂閱、影片觀看或按喜歡是一種品牌包裝方式,只要您不買流量去點擊廣告以前歌手出唱片,很多人自掏腰包買唱片、努力投票寄信給藝人,這也是一種在前期很有效地衝人氣方式。Youtube、Vimeo 也一樣,訂閱數不高,當然考慮先增加訂閱來獲得基礎吸引力。


頻道的訂閱者算是 Youtube 上最堅強的忠實粉絲後盾,穩定大數量的訂閱人數代表著頻道影片發布後影片有優先曝光的機會。行銷人員都知道,人氣容易帶人氣;不妨想像,新推出奶茶如果沒有同時那麼多人去搶購並上傳影片給大家看,後面會造成市場搶購潮嗎?Youtube 訂閱者也是一樣的道理,十萬訂閱和 50 個訂閱的頻道,前者更容易吸引網友長期關注。

100個訂閱:NT$ 200

200個訂閱:NT$ 350

500個訂閱:NT$ 800

1000個訂閱:NT$ 1,500

2000個訂閱:NT$ 3,000

3000個訂閱:NT$ 4,000

10000個訂閱:NT$ 10,000


100個喜歡:NT$ 120

200個喜歡:NT$ 200

500個喜歡:NT$ 500

1000個喜歡:NT$ 900

2000個喜歡:NT$ 1,800


雖然創作品質很重要,但遇到同等級的競爭者,其他的包裝將成為決勝關鍵。高觀看人數會是影響吸引力及繼續觀看的條件,用觀看數吸引觀看數,預算高低都有得選擇的貼心服務!粉絲多不銷售點擊廣告的觀看流量,所以頻道主沒有被 Google Adsense 封鎖帳號的風險。

(一) 高品質全球觀看次數(含觀看保固):

根據 YouTube 當時的觀看審查機制進行最佳化設計的觀看模式,跨全球數十國的高品質長時間瀏覽!不重複 IP 進行長時間觀看。如果您購買的觀看次數超過 10 萬次,甚至會發現觀看者來自高達 100 個以上的國家地區,全球都在看的影片,代表著該影片的熱門程度值得信任,真實的瀏覽觀看更符合 Youtube 或 Vimeo 嚴格的審查機制!含觀看保固。希望訪客觀看時間更長嗎【頂級觀看】。

5,000個觀看:NT$ 1,350

10,000個觀看:NT$ 2,000

20,000個觀看:NT$ 3,800

30,000個觀看:NT$ 5,500

50,000個觀看:NT$ 8,000

100,000個觀看:NT$ 14,500

200,000個觀看:NT$ 27,500

300,000個觀看:NT$ 39,000

(二) 【VIP級精準TA 】- 指定國家網友觀看:


10000個觀看:NT$ 4,300

20000個觀看:NT$ 8,200

30000個觀看:NT$ 12,000

50000個觀看:NT$ 18,000

四、Youtuber 直播支援

實況主、線上拍賣、線上購物、品牌直播、部落客、Vlogger 直播時絕對不能人氣零零星星,專心於直播,把人氣召集交給我們協助。

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Gentle became a demon after 1 year of marriage!

Spicy wife unbearable to be beaten

"Jumping to Survive"

…Snow-white legs are ruined

There was a case of jumping from a building in Shangqiu City, Henan Province, China. A husband came to collect debts because he lost money through gambling. In a bad mood, he repeatedly violently attacked his wife. The wife could not bear the beating, and she planned to escape without success. She finally chose 2 Lou leaped down to survive, but caused many severe fractures all over the body, and even injured her waist and spine, causing her to be paralyzed in both feet. The wife has filed a lawsuit for a year and has not yet been divorced. What is shocking is that the father-in-law threatened and pressured her to kill her grandson for revenge if she murdered her husband and was put in jail. The family is simply a devil.

At that time, Liu Nuv jumped from the window on the second floor in order to escape her husband’s abuse. She emphasized that "I am not suicide, I am running for my life!" But after falling to the ground, Liu Nu's left eye socket, lumbar spine, and thoracic spine were severely fractured. In addition, due to a burst fracture of the lumbar vertebrae and spinal stenosis, both of her feet were paralyzed. She has been hospitalized for 11 months and needs a wheelchair to move out. The appraisal report indicated that Liu Nv had a minor injury.

After Liu Nv filed a divorce lawsuit, the first court session was held on July 14 this year, but her husband was unwilling to accept the divorce. The court found that the two parties had disagreements and retrial after the criminal verdict was issued. The procuratorate pointed out that jumping from a building was related to beatings, and intentionally hurt The crime was prosecuted against the husband. After Liu Nu’s tragic story was exposed, it aroused dissatisfaction among the masses of villagers. The People’s Court of Zhecheng County, Shangqiu City responded urgently. Since Liu Nu did not immediately sue after being domestically abused, and in accordance with the divorce procedure, both parties need to proceed. The pre-mediation will only take as long as one year; at present, the relevant departments have established a joint investigation team to speed up the trial of this case.






[World Cup] "Surveillance and no gambling promotion plan"

Bar promotes anti-gambling message

The four-year World Cup, which fans all over the world look forward to, finally opened in Russia in June this year. However, with the rise of the football craze, the problem of football gambling has also arisen. In order to raise the public’s awareness of preventing gambling and avoid indulging in gambling, the Ping Wo Foundation, the Home Affairs Bureau and the Hong Kong Police Force jointly organized a "Bar Outreach Campaign". Visit the popular bar areas on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon on the 14th and 23rd to greet the World Cup with the public and promote anti-gambling messages.

For two consecutive nights, the organizer invited representatives from the Gaming and Lotteries Committee, Central and Western District, Wan Chai and Yau Tsim Mong District Fight Crime Committee, Wan Chai District Councillors and Yau Tsim Mong District Councillors to attend the event, and the police went to Lan Kwai Fong, Wan Chai Lockhart Road, Tsim Sha Tsui in Central The bars at Knutsford Terrace and Tung Choi Street in Mong Kok distributed anti-gambling leaflets and souvenirs to customers. Ye Zhendu, chairman of the Pinghe Fund Advisory Committee, said that many citizens like to go to the bar to enjoy the football game. Because they enjoy the lively atmosphere on the spot, they specially go to the bar to promote it, hoping to bring the message of "watching football and not gambling on football" to the fans. The guests present actively interacted with bar customers, and the person in charge of the bar even placed anti-gambling items in a prominent place in the store to assist in the promotion. Ye Zhen thinks that with everyone's support, the event has achieved remarkable results.

"Police News" Brother Ken performed on-site anti-gambling mini-series

The most special feature of this "Bar Outreach Campaign" is the invitation to the queen actor of "Police" and "Flower of Police" Ma Qinxi to perform mini-series on the evenings of June 14 and 23, respectively. The above and the next two episodes are relaxing. The story of the genre appeals to the public not to indulge in gambling and engage in illegal gambling. In order to target young target audiences, the Pinghe Fund also broadcasted anti-gambling miniseries on Facebook, extending the information about non-gambling to the Internet, so that young people can also enjoy the performance of the two and receive anti-gambling information.

The Chairman of the Ping Wo Fund Advisory Committee Yip Zhendu said that from March to September this year, the Ping Wo Fund and the Home Affairs Bureau co-organized a large-scale anti-gambling promotion activity in Hong Kong, the "Watching Football No Gambling Promotion Plan", at the local and regional levels. A number of events and publicity projects will be held, and online publicity will also be strengthened to increase public awareness of gambling disorders and promote the message of not being obsessed with gambling. The content of the plan includes a series of regional and territory-wide activities, such as mobile promotional vehicles, "Ball & Art Carnival", "Football" and football matches, etc., allowing the general public to participate for free.


【世界盃】「睇波不賭波推廣計劃」 酒吧宣揚抗賭信息






Two mahjong tables in the homicide in a sub-house in Tai Po

The 60-year-old Weng on behalf of the debt repayment questioned the red apricot out of the wall

On the mahjong stage, the wife who was killed by a knife in the common murder case was not only addicted to gambling, but also had a rich romantic life. Her two daughters were born to her and two men, so they have different surnames. The desire to develop the fourth relationship and incur death disaster, and even the two women died tragically. According to the news, Wen liked to play mahjong before his death and owed a lot of gambling debts. Later, he met his current boyfriend on the mahjong stage, and the other party promised to pay her debts and take care of her three mothers and daughters. Unexpectedly, the woman was revealed to be suspected of having an affair. Sudden tragic change.

The 42-year-old deceased woman named Fangfang Wen Jufang, unemployed, is reported to be from Heyuan, Guangdong. She was married in Hong Kong and had many relationships after divorce. She has a pair of half-daughters, 13-year-old Lai and 8 years old. The surnamed Liao, the two girls are studying in primary and secondary schools in the district. They are in Secondary One and Primary Two respectively. The third mother and daughter rely on CSSA for their livelihoods. Although Wen Fu is over forty, she is well maintained and her charm still exists.

According to sources, Fangfang liked to play mahjong during his lifetime and owed a lot of gambling debts. Four years ago, when she was playing mahjong, she met Yao Suiyu, a 62-year-old worker who worked on a construction site. Although the two were 20 years apart, Yao fell in love with her and promised to pay her debts and take care of her three mothers and daughters. People developed into couples. By the end of last year, Yao even moved into the sub-district room to live with the three mothers and daughters. Unexpectedly, Yao recently discovered that Fangfang’s suspected personal affair had become a fuse. Out of control and committing heinous crimes. The police have contacted the biological father of the eldest daughter, but the father of the young girl has not yet been contacted

A spokesman for the Education Bureau said that the bureau was very sad about the incident and has immediately contacted the school concerned. It is learned that the school has activated a crisis management team to follow up the incident, including arranging school social workers and educational psychologists for students and staff in need Provide support and counseling. The bureau will continue to maintain contact with schools and provide appropriate support. As for the eight-year-old girl who died tragically, the elementary school she attended has notified all students of the incident yesterday, and has not yet received any student who has emotional distress and needs help.


大埔劏房命案兩人麻將枱結緣 六旬翁代還債質疑紅杏出牆





Lost in football betting: young gamblers are on the rise  

More than 40% owed $100,000 in debt

The 22-year-old was suspected of having gambling debts and fell to his death in Sam Shing Village, Tuen Mun early this morning (5th). Yang Zhuying, director of the Pinghefang Center of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, pointed out that young people involved in gambling are on the rise, and since January 1, 2017, more than 80 cases have been received for help from 29 years of age or younger. Among them, football gambling is the main one. About 70% have the habit of betting on football matches and 30% have the habit of betting on horses. Among those seeking help, 17% had a suicide crisis, 60% had emotional distress or psychological stress, and more than 40% had problems with their family members. Yang also said that more than 40% of help seekers owed more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and 1 adult owed 600,000 Hong Kong dollars or more. He pointed out: "Young gamblers owe debts more sharp and serious than expected. Ordinary people would not imagine. When you get a young man, you will bet for hundreds of thousands of debts."

Yang said that there are three main reasons why young people are addicted to gambling. First, they are influenced by their peers. Second, they are adventurous. Confidently, "Most of him like to play football, he feels that he has a vision, he has a special ability to analyze the game, and after he has won a few gambling, he will feel that he is lucky and able to make quick money." She urged young people to seek help as soon as possible if they find that they have problems with gambling disorders, including relying on gambling to solve financial problems, owing debts due to gambling, or worsening relationships with family members, and having no intention of going to work or school.


賭波輸命:年輕賭徒趨升 逾4成欠債$10萬

22歲仔疑欠賭債,今日凌晨(5日)在屯門三聖邨墮斃。東華三院平和坊中心主任楊枬英指出 ,參與賭博年輕人有上升趨勢,單計29歲或以下的求助個案,由2017年1月1日至今已收到逾80宗,當中以賭波為主,約7成有賭波習慣,3成有賭馬習慣。求助者中,17%有自殺危機、6成有情緒困擾或心理壓力、4成多人與家人關係出現問題。楊又稱,逾4成求助者欠債逾10萬港元,有1成人更欠債60萬港元或以上,指出:「年輕賭徒欠債比想像中更犀利同嚴重,平常人係唔會想像到一個後生仔,賭到爭人幾十萬債」。


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Riskified files for NYSE IPO

E-commerce fraud prevention solutions company Riskified was valued at $1 billion in its last fund-raising round in 2019.

Another Israeli unicorn is on its way to Wall Street: Riskified, developer of payment and credit fraud prevention solutions for e-commerce, has filed a prospectus for an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange. The company has not yet stated what valuation it seeks. In its last private fund raising round, in 2019, it was valued at $1 billion. Since it was founded, it has raised $229 million.

Riskified was founded by Eido Gal (CEO) and Assaf Feldman (CTO) in 2012. Among its shareholders are the Genesis, Qumra and Pitango venture capital firms, and also Fidelity and General Atlantic.

Like other Israeli technology companies that have reached Wall Street recently, Riskified presents growing revenue but is still not profitable. In 2020, its revenue totaled $170 million, up from $131 million in 2019. It posted a loss of $11.3 million in 2020, which compares with a loss of $14.2 million in 2019. EBITDA was positive in 2020, at $2.5 million.

In the first quarter of 2021, revenue grew to $55.1 million from $33.2 million in the corresponding quarter of 2020. The net loss was $43 million, which compares with breakeven in the corresponding quarter. The loss was mainly because of losses in connection with convertible preferred shares.

Last week, four Israeli companies became newly listed on Wall Street: Payoneer, Taboola, ironSource, and SentinelOne, the first three through mergers with SPACs, and the fourth in an IPO.

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Credit Suisse are acting as the lead book runners for Riskified's proposed offering.



電子商務欺詐預防解決方案公司 Riskified 在 2019 年的最後一輪融資中估值為 10 億美元。

另一家以色列獨角獸正在走向華爾街:Riskified,電子商務支付和信用欺詐預防解決方案的開發商,已提交在紐約證券交易所上市的招股說明書。該公司尚未說明其尋求的估值。在 2019 年的最後一輪私募融資中,它的估值為 10 億美元。自成立以來,它已籌集了 2.29 億美元。

Riskified 由 Eido Gal(首席執行官)和 Assaf Feldman(首席技術官)於 2012 年創立。其股東包括 Genesis、Qumra 和 Pitango 風險投資公司,以及 Fidelity 和 General Atlantic。

與最近進入華爾街的其他以色列科技公司一樣,Riskified 收入不斷增長,但仍未盈利。 2020 年,其收入總計 1.7 億美元,高於 2019 年的 1.31 億美元。2020 年虧損 1130 萬美元,而 2019 年虧損 1420 萬美元。2020 年 EBITDA 為正值,為 250 萬美元。

2021 年第一季度,收入從 2020 年相應季度的 3,320 萬美元增長至 5,510 萬美元。淨虧損為 4,300 萬美元,而同期則為盈虧平衡。虧損主要是與可轉換優先股有關的虧損。

上週,四家以色列公司在華爾街新上市:Payoneer、Taboola、ironSource 和 SentinelOne,前三家通過與 SPAC 合併,第四家通過 IPO。

高盛、摩根大通和瑞士信貸擔任 Riskified 提議發行的主要簿記管理人。

Tech unicorn parties reaching new levels of excess

Payoneer's IPO party Photo: Eclipse Media

Israeli high-tech companies are holding affluent parties featuring concerts by Israeli pop artists, cocktails, private excursions, and infinite gongs, just like those rung on the Nasdaq. This is what happens when the aggressive competition over high-tech workers meets unlimited funds from the wave of IPOs and massive funding rounds.

Gong. It isn’t merely the name of the Israeli artificial intelligence startup which recently raised $7.2 billion, but a highlight in the wave of initial public offering (IPO) parties hitting the local high-tech market. The ringing of the bells is meant to echo the moment a company goes public on the stock exchange, but this is recently under threat of going extinct, with the multitude of parties emptying the market of bells. “There are no more bells in Israel,” reported Gili Orridge from Blend Events where nearly all of her customers are high-tech companies. “I went to southern Tel Aviv, and looked through every shop, and didn’t find any.” However, Orridge, who is determined to make dreams come true, didn’t give up hope. For the party of cyber company SentinelOne, which went public last week at a $9 billion valuation, she ordered bells from abroad, and they arrived just in time.


The shortage of bells is simply an anecdote of the summer of 2021 for high-tech companies, where many have party budgets between NIS 300,000 to NIS 3 million ($92,000-$920,000). There are rumors that those figures even reach over NIS 10 million in some cases. “After the pandemic, I assumed that there would be some sort of a ‘back to basic’ trend, but in reality the opposite happened: fierce competition between high tech companies ensued,” a prominent producer in the sector said.

Competition isn’t only at the superficial level, or regarding which company’s party’s plan is more creative, headline-grabbing, or whoever has managed to snag the hottest entertainment names such as Israeli pop stars Omer Adam, Noga Erez, and Ran Danker, or has the best catering. The ‘care package’ as it’s coined in the high-tech industry, has become an essential weapon in the fight over raising funds and retaining employees. 

The reasoning for “pampering because there’s money,” which has guided the industry until recently, has replaced an actual war: the high demand for workers has turned them into a rare resource that has become more expensive than ever before, and competition now requires companies to make massie investments.


Instagram exposed the extent of such extravagance at’s party (whose offering was valued at $6.8 billion) at a trendy Tel Aviv hall last month, which included a concert by Omer Adam (estimated at NIS 100,000 or some $30,500), catering featuring several stations with meats, alternative vegan options, and a salad bar as well as an open bar with a variety of drinks and cocktails.

SentinelOne’s event titled the “Ring The Bell Celebration,” in honor of the largest public offering of an Israeli cyber company ever, was highly documented on social media networks. Under the theme of “the coolest bar in New York,” as the company’s Employee Experience Lead, Lidor Baeloha, put it on a Facebook post, Tel Aviv’s Peacock bar provided the alcohol, chef Michael Guriel headed the catering, and popular Israeli DJ Yair Green was responsible for the music. Alongside the livestream of the event from New York, employees were invited to snap a shot with a virtual backdrop of the company’s billboard on Wall Street to feel a bit closer to the Nasdaq.


Taboola, which went public at a $2.6 billion valuation, held its celebration at the Ma’arava hall of chef Ran Shmueli at Kibbutz Ga’ash, and featured concerts by Noga Erez and Mooki. “The party was amazing,” Tamar, an employee, recounts. “Noga Erez was wonderful, and the cocktails were impressive. If we’re throwing a party, it should be swoon-worthy, with good music and food. That’s one way to thank employees and maintain morale at a profitable company. But, I don’t know whether you have to go crazy like at Microsoft, where they’re mainly concerned about their brand in my opinion.”


The fintech company Payoneer’s IPO party, which took place at Hangar 11 last week in honor of the company’s offering valued at $3.3 billion, was hard to miss. The event was directed by Sagit Oren from the SO&Co. event management company. Payoneer’s party featured a professional broadcasting studio with stations at its 23 branches around the globe where the “most senior manager in China transformed into our journalist in Shanghai,” joked Michal Adam, a senior VP of Human Resources at Payoneer. The event was hosted by the Israeli mentalist and performer Lior Suchard and VP of Marketing Jonny Steel, and included numbers by Israeli pop sensations Marina Maximilian and Amir Dadon, who sang “We Are The Champions,” as well as by Eden Ben Zaken, and a 35-member orchestra.


However, the artists, explained Adam, weren’t the main course. “I know how to sign checks, that isn’t a problem. But the idea was to show our employees that we are a global company, and it doesn’t make sense for the Israeli branch to party when the Indian one is under a lockdown and hasn’t seen the light of day for months. Our idea was to pass along the excitement that after 16 years and with nearly 1,000 employees, we’ve finally reached this moment.” The event continued for half a day, and trickled into the late night hours to the nearby Litzman night club, where 400 employees watched the bell ring live and danced until Michal Adam kicked them out.

“Although we are a fintech company, we don’t like to talk about money. Let’s just say that it was a very expensive event, and not just because of the artists. To hold a live studio event is a very expensive matter, and we wanted to do it so that we wouldn’t have any ‘wait, I can’t hear’ moment like over Zoom. We pushed the exact buttons we wanted to, people were very excited and felt connected to the company.”


Leading up to the event, the company posted on its Instagram page highlights from its summer party, which was held two weeks prior, and was filled with alcohol, splashes in pools, and scantily-clad swimwear alongside a caption targeting the recruiting of new employees. Even during our conversation, Adam doesn’t hesitate to point out that the company currently has 230 new open positions, and encourages everyone to take a peek and apply.

“Competition is fierce,” Orridge confirms. “Retaining customers has now made way for retaining employees. Several companies aim to create excitement and new records through events, where their exposure creates an impact, a coveted image, and assists in recruiting potential employees as well as retaining existing ones.”


Perks in the office, treats to take home


The indulging conditions of high-tech workers have already been talked about ad nauseum. Their cafeterias feature well-known chefs (Haim Cohen at Microsoft and Asaf Granit and the 'MachneYuda' Group will feed Wix employees at their new office building off of Glilot Junction next year), they receive generous credit on Cibus or TenBis cards to purchase takeout that is subsidized by the company, mail delivery services, Playstations on campus, gyms, happy hours and weekly team outings, birthday presents, gifts in honor of Women’s Day and holidays (ranging anywhere between NIS 700- NIS 1,000, or between $200-$300), brand name bags, etc.


Over the past few years, other perks from the beauty industry have joined the list. At Playtika, which went public in January at an $11 billion valuation, its female employees enjoy gel manicures, while drinking coffee prepared by baristas at Play-tika Cafe. At Facebook, like several other Tel Avivian high-tech companies, many employees haven’t gone to a barber in months; they receive services at their offices. Aside from those perks, monetary incentives from assisting in recruiting efforts are now skyrocketing. At, recommending a friend for open positions at the company will earn a veteran employee a Buyme coupon valued at NIS 2,200 ($670); at Elementor employees receive a $1,500 bonus; at Tipranks, a startup that monitors analysts' performance and allows investors to evaluate investment advice, that figure stands at NIS 10,000 ($3,000), while Lightricks offers no less than NIS 29,000 ($8,900) to veteran employees who succeed in finding new employees for the open position of “the job of the month.” At Microsoft, at least until the outbreak of the pandemic, employees earned perks such as a free vacation for two in Zanzibar.

And that is all without even mentioning the actual offices - mostly in skyscrapers with the Tel Aviv skyline, designed by leading figures in the local architecture industry. And what the architects don’t get to, the planners will: ironSource (which went public at an $11 billion valuation) has a balcony on the third floor of the Azrieli Sarona Tower, the only such balcony in the entire 61-story building. Facebook employees, which are ironSource’s neighbors, travel to their offices via a private elevator; which was originally intended for a hotel, but Facebook took its place.


The pandemic may have emptied out high tech offices, but these care perks didn’t end with the lockdowns, just changed form. During the past year-and-a-half, an entire industry of company-branded gifts developed; with each company adopting the idea in its own way. “A week didn’t go by without us receiving home a package of some sort,” Ben from said. “Once it was a floral arrangement and a bottle of wine from an Israeli winery, another time it was a DIY cocktail kit, a macchinetta coffee maker, fresh coffee and cake, a bag from the Swedish brand Fjällräven (valued between NIS 300-NIS 500 or $90-$150) embossed with the company’s logo, and more.” At the American software company Autodesk, its employees received an expensive breakfast. At Microsoft, refrigerated vehicles carried family kits for making pizza. When ideas ran out, companies took out the only present that all employees were in consensus about: a carton of fresh fruits and vegetables from a local farm.


Those packages, which were often accompanied by a Zoom meeting with a standup comedy show, lecture or workshop hosted by the likes of actor Guri Alfi or chef Segev Moshe, helped companies maintain connections with employees during lockdowns, and provided income for hundreds of small businesses during the crisis. Orridge, who claims to have lost over NIS 4 million ($1.2 million) due to canceled events, made the most of it by turning lemons into lemonade. “I essentially created a new business of delivering small gift packages,” she says. “During the pandemic, there was a big demand. We prepared 70,000 packages for companies, including a Halloween one during the second lockdown for an American company. That’s how we earned many new customers, who continue to employ our services even upon the return to normal.” Currently, Blend employs 13 people among them graphic designers, an office manager, and a CEO, the company’s first male employee.


Party now, work later


Companies going public could mark the end or moderation of the era of grandiose celebrations, in order to present a picture of efficiency. The post-pandemic highs combined with the IPOs will be difficult to recreate. Payoneer’s party, for example, received its own budget, seperate from the company’s annual party budget, “and we’re just asking ourselves what’s next,” Adam says. “We’re a company that celebrates, and we’re a global company too - there isn’t a single holiday here that isn’t commemorated, from Pride Week to National Pizza Day.”


A different genre of events, which is utilized among a smaller group of employees, is the “Overnight,”, where employees are asked to come to work with a suitcase, and have no clue what awaits them at the end of their workday. That’s exactly what transpired at an event that Orridge organized for ZipRecruiter’s 70 employees in Israel, where one Wednesday afternoon last week the entire team was transported to the airport, where they boarded a plane to Eilat, and quickly embarked on a jeep off-roading trip which included several stops with champagne, fruit, and cold-pressed lavender-scented towels. The rest of the evening, the team sat and enjoyed a meal at a pop-up restaurant that was set up specifically for the event by the catering industry at Timna National Park, and afterward drifted toward a concert held in a cave of the Anna RF band and Ravid Plotnik (also known by his stage name Nechi Nech). “Everyone danced until 1:30am, including myself,” Orridge said hoarsely. “There I functioned as everything from the event organizer, to the stewardess.” They traveled to the elite Royal Beach Eilat hotel in absolute darkness, and in the morning awoke to a private pool party, where drinks and food were continuously served to them as well as board games and fresh towels.

“These parties increase feelings of injustice”


High-tech perks are used as a branding tool for recruiting and retaining employees, but the free cereal isn’t enough to motivate younger high-tech employees to stay at a company. Millennials are looking for additional meaning, which will resonate with their own values and increase their sense of satisfaction, mission, and sense of meaning. So how can a company that has recently gone public hold on to an employee without options, when he or she watches their option-holding peers with envy transforming into the new wolves of Wall Street?

“The question isn’t how to prevent employees from leaving, it’s how to hold onto them for the right reasons,” says Kinneret Rosenbloom, an organizational consultant, and expert in developing leadership skills and author of the Hebrew “Revahim” blog. “The parties and concerts, the gel manicures at the office, the subsidized food cards, and DIY cocktail kits become feathers in the peacock’s tail and help differentiate between regular companies to those that are thriving, and are worth investing the best years of your lives in. The parties and perks are merely compensation for the many long work hours put in, and are also joyous interludes as well as recruitment and branding tools for attracting employees, but it isn’t what actually draws people to a workplace, and it clearly isn’t what inspires them to give their all.”


So what does?


“First of all, employees need to feel challenged, and like they are broadening both their professional and managerial horizons. Second, they need to feel autonomous and flexible and that they’re trusted. Third, they need to feel a direct connection to their boss, and preferably to their team. A poor connection with your boss is a dealbreaker. Even a mediocre connection with a boss could make it easier to tempt them to leave.”


“Last but not least: fairness. When so much money is floating around, both promised and actual, the money is a fixed yet loaded part of the discourse. In particularly affluent settings, it’s occasionally blinding, and if there is some sense of injustice or deprivation, glamorous parties won’t hide it. Not for long. When the hangover subsides, the extravagant party could be viewed as a smokescreen hiding the actual distribution of rewards, and could only add to feelings of injustice. It isn’t just the question of a certain sum, or how much money you see at the end of the month, but rather how much money you earned compared to others, or of the overall pie.”


“At the end of the day, people stay at a workplace because of their manager, or a colleague or their ability to have a say over what happens at the company,” explains Iris Bar-Hava, who serves as the VP of People at Explorium. “When companies grow very large or undergo a change like going public, processes demand rules become stricter, reasons for staying at a company arise, and sometimes employees struggle to find their place.”


“In cases such as those, companies need to compensate in other ways and empower the social-emotional aspects. Welfare programs try to address peoples’ needs to meet and connect with one another in an informal way. Aside from that, people love to connect to something greater than themselves, that feeling of ‘we’ll change the world.’ What these companies are doing isn’t a cliche, they’re encouraging people to be part of a life-changing experience.”



以色列高科技公司正在舉辦富裕的派對,其中包括以色列流行藝術家的音樂會、雞尾酒、私人旅行和無限的鑼,就像在納斯達克敲響的那些。當對高科技工人的激烈競爭遇到來自 IPO 浪潮和大規模融資的無限資金時,就會發生這種情況。

鑼。這不僅是最近籌集了 72 億美元的以色列人工智能初創公司的名字,而且是衝擊當地高科技市場的首次公開募股 (IPO) 派對浪潮中的一個亮點。鐘聲響起是為了迴響公司在證券交易所上市的那一刻,但最近這家公司面臨滅絕的威脅,眾多政黨清空了鐘聲市場。 “以色列沒有更多的鐘聲,”來自 Blend Events 的 Gili Orridge 報告說,她的幾乎所有客戶都是高科技公司。 “我去了特拉維夫南部,找遍了每家商店,都沒有找到。”然而,決心實現夢想的奧里奇並沒有放棄希望。對於上週以 90 億美元估值上市的網絡公司 SentinelOne 的派對,她從國外訂購了鈴鐺,它們及時到達。


對於高科技公司來說,鐘聲短缺只是 2021 年夏天的一個軼事,其中許多公司的派對預算在 300,000 新謝克爾至 300 萬新謝克爾(92,000 至 920,000 美元)之間。有傳言稱,在某些情況下,這些數字甚至超過 1000 萬新謝克爾。 “大流行之後,我認為會出現某種‘返璞歸真’的趨勢,但事實恰恰相反:高科技公司之間的激烈競爭接踵而至,”該行業的一位知名生產商表示。





Instagram 上個月在一個時尚的特拉維夫大廳舉行的 派對(其提供的價值為 68 億美元)中揭露了這種奢侈的程度,其中包括 Omer Adam 的一場音樂會(估計價值 100,000 新謝克爾或約 30,500 美元),餐飲包括幾個提供肉類、替代素食選擇、沙拉吧以及提供各種飲料和雞尾酒的開放式酒吧。

SentinelOne 的活動名為“Ring The Bell Celebration”,以紀念以色列網絡公司有史以來規模最大的公開募股,在社交媒體網絡上得到了大量記錄。以“紐約最酷的酒吧”為主題,公司員工體驗主管 Lidor Baeloha 在 Facebook 上發帖,特拉維夫的 Peacock 酒吧提供酒水,主廚 Michael Guriel 負責餐飲,以色列人氣 DJ Yair格林負責音樂。除了來自紐約的活動直播外,員工還受邀在華爾街的公司廣告牌的虛擬背景下拍攝一張照片,以感覺更接近納斯達克。


Taboola 以 26 億美元的估值上市,在 Kibbutz Ga'ash 的廚師 Ran Shmueli 的 Ma'arava 大廳舉行慶祝活動,並舉辦了 Noga Erez 和 Mooki 的音樂會。 “派對很棒,”一名員工 Tamar 回憶道。 “Noga Erez 很棒,雞尾酒令人印象深刻。如果我們要舉辦一個派對,它應該是值得的,有美妙的音樂和食物。這是在一家盈利的公司感謝員工並保持士氣的一種方式。但是,我不知道你是否必須像在微軟那樣瘋狂,在我看來,他們主要關心的是自己的品牌。”

金融科技公司 Payoneer 的 IPO 派對於上週在 Hangar 11 舉行,以紀念該公司價值 33 億美元的發行,不容錯過。該活動由 SO&Co 的 Sagit Oren 指導。活動管理公司。 Payoneer 的人力資源高級副總裁 Michal Adam 開玩笑說,Payoneer 的派對有一個專業的廣播工作室,在其全球 23 個分支機構設有站點,“中國最高級的經理變成了我們在上海的記者”。此次活動由以色列心理學家和表演者 Lior Suchard 和營銷副總裁 Jonny Steel 主持,包括以色列流行歌手 Marina Maximilian 和 Amir Dadon 的數字,他們演唱了“We Are The Champions”,以及 Eden Ben Zaken,以及一個 35 人的管弦樂隊。


然而,亞當解釋說,藝術家並不是主要課程。 “我知道如何簽署支票,這不是問題。但我們的想法是向我們的員工展示我們是一家全球性公司,當印度分公司處於封鎖狀態並且幾個月未見曙光時,讓以色列分公司參加派對是沒有意義的。我們的想法是傳遞激動人心的時刻,16 年後,我們擁有近 1,000 名員工,終於走到了這一刻。”活動持續了半天,直到深夜才來到附近的 Litzman 夜總會,在那裡 400 名員工觀看了現場響鈴並跳舞,直到 Michal Adam 將他們趕出去。

“雖然我們是一家金融科技公司,但我們不喜歡談論錢。我們只能說這是一個非常昂貴的活動,而不僅僅是因為藝術家。舉辦現場演播室活動是一件非常昂貴的事情,我們希望這樣做,這樣我們就不會像 Zoom 那樣有任何“等待,我聽不見”的時刻。我們按下了我們想要的確切按鈕,人們非常興奮並感覺與公司聯繫在一起。”


在活動開始之前,該公司在其 Instagram 頁面上發布了兩週前舉行的夏季派對的亮點,裡面裝滿了酒精、在游泳池裡潑水、穿著暴露的泳裝,並附上了一條針對招聘新員工的標題.即使在我們的談話中,Adam 也毫不猶豫地指出,公司目前有 230 個新的空缺職位,並鼓勵大家先看看併申請。

“競爭非常激烈,”Orridge 確認道。 “留住客戶現在已經讓位於留住員工。幾家公司的目標是通過活動創造興奮和新記錄,他們的曝光會產生影響和令人垂涎的形象,並有助於招聘潛在員工並留住現有員工。”




高科技工作者的沉迷條件已經令人厭煩地談論起來。他們的自助餐廳有知名廚師(微軟的 Haim Cohen 和 Asaf Granit 以及“MachneYuda”集團明年將在他們位於 Glilot Junction 附近的新辦公樓里為 Wix 員工提供食物),他們可以通過 Cibus 或 TenBis 卡獲得豐厚的信用來購買外賣由公司補貼、郵件遞送服務、校園遊戲機、健身房、歡樂時光和每週團隊郊遊、生日禮物、婦女節和節日禮物(範圍在 700 新謝克爾至 1,000 新謝克爾之間,或 200 至 300 美元之間)、名牌包等。


在過去的幾年裡,美容行業的其他福利也加入了這個名單。 Playtika 於 1 月以 110 億美元的估值上市,其女員工享受凝膠美甲,同時在 Play-tika 咖啡館喝咖啡師準備的咖啡。在 Facebook,與其他幾家特拉維維亞高科技公司一樣,許多員工已經幾個月沒有去理髮店了。他們在辦公室接受服務。除了這些福利之外,協助招聘工作的金錢獎勵現在也在飛速增長。在,推荐一位朋友擔任公司的空缺職位將為一位資深員工賺取價值 2,200 新謝克爾(670 美元)的 Buyme 優惠券;在 Elementor 員工可獲得 1,500 美元的獎金;在 Tipranks 是一家監控分析師表現並允許投資者評估投資建議的初創公司,該數字為 10,000 新謝克爾(3,000 美元),而 Lightricks 為成功找到新員工的老員工提供不少於 29,000 新謝克爾(8,900 美元) “本月工作”的空缺職位。在微軟,至少在大流行爆發之前,員工可以獲得福利,例如在桑給巴爾島享受兩人免費假期。

這一切甚至都沒有提到實際的辦公室——主要是在特拉維夫天際線的摩天大樓裡,由當地建築行業的領軍人物設計。建築師沒有得到的,規劃者將:ironSource(以 110 億美元的估值上市)在 Azrieli Sarona Tower 的三樓有一個陽台,這是整個 61 層建築中唯一的這樣的陽台。作為 IronSource 的鄰居,Facebook 員工通過私人電梯前往他們的辦公室;最初是為酒店設計的,但 Facebook 取而代之。


大流行可能已經清空了高科技辦公室,但這些護理津貼並沒有隨著封鎖而結束,只是改變了形式。在過去一年半的時間裡,整個公司品牌禮品行業得到了發展;每個公司都以自己的方式採用這個想法。 “一周過去了,我們都沒有收到某種包裹回家,”來自 的 Ben 說。 “一次是插花和一瓶以色列酒廠的葡萄酒,另一次是 DIY 雞尾酒套裝、macchinetta 咖啡機、新鮮咖啡和蛋糕、瑞典品牌 Fjällräven 的袋子(價值在 NIS 300-NIS 之間) 500 美元或 90 美元至 150 美元)印有公司徽標等。”在美國軟件公司 Autodesk,其員工享用了昂貴的早餐。在微軟,冷藏車攜帶用於製作比薩餅的家庭工具包。當想法耗盡時,公司拿出了所有員工都一致同意的唯一禮物:來自當地農場的一箱新鮮水果和蔬菜。


這些套餐通常伴隨著 Zoom 會議以及由演員 Guri Alfi 或廚師 Segev Moshe 等人主持的單口喜劇表演、講座或研討會,幫助公司在封鎖期間與員工保持聯繫,並為數百家小企業提供收入危機期間。 Orridge 聲稱由於取消活動而損失了超過 400 萬新謝克爾(120 萬美元),他通過將檸檬變成檸檬水來充分利用它。 “我基本上創建了一項新業務,即遞送小禮品包,”她說。 “在大流行期間,需求很大。我們為公司準備了 70,000 個包裹,其中包括一家美國公司第二次封鎖期間的萬聖節包裹。這就是我們贏得許多新客戶的方式,即使在恢復正常後,他們仍繼續使用我們的服務。”目前,Blend 擁有 13 名員工,其中包括平面設計師、一名辦公室經理和一名 CEO,該公司的第一位男性員工。




公司上市可能標誌著盛大慶祝時代的結束或緩和,以呈現效率的圖景。大流行後的高點與 IPO 相結合將難以重現。例如,Payoneer 的派對收到了自己的預算,與公司的年度派對預算分開,“我們只是在問自己接下來會發生什麼,”亞當說。 “我們是一家慶祝的公司,我們也是一家全球公司——從驕傲周到全國比薩日,這裡沒有一個假期是不值得紀念的。”


在較小的員工群體中使用的另一種類型的活動是“過夜”,即要求員工提著手提箱來上班,但不知道在工作日結束時等待他們的是什麼。這正是 Orridge 為 ZipRecruiter 在以色列的 70 名員工組織的活動中發生的事情,上週的一個星期三下午,整個團隊被運送到機場,在那裡他們登上了飛往埃拉特的飛機,並迅速開始了吉普車越野之旅其中包括幾站香檳、水果和冷壓薰衣草香味毛巾。晚上剩下的時間,團隊在蒂姆納國家公園的餐飲業專門為此次活動設立的快閃餐廳享用了一頓飯,然後漂流到安娜 RF 山洞舉行的一場音樂會樂隊和 Ravid Plotnik(也以他的藝名 Nechi Nech 聞名)。 “每個人都跳到凌晨 1 點 30 分,包括我自己,”奧里奇沙啞地說。 “在那裡,我扮演著從活動組織者到空姐的一切角色。”他們在絕對黑暗中前往精英皇家海灘埃拉特酒店,早上醒來參加私人泳池派對,那裡不斷為他們提供飲料和食物以及棋盤遊戲和乾淨的毛巾。




“問題不是如何阻止員工離職,而是如何以正確的理由留住他們,”組織顧問、領導技能發展專家、希伯來語“Revahim”博客作者 Kinneret Rosenbloom 說。 “派對和音樂會、辦公室的凝膠美甲、補貼食品卡和 DIY 雞尾酒套裝成為孔雀尾巴上的羽毛,有助於區分普通公司和蓬勃發展的公司,值得投資你一生中最美好的時光派對和津貼只是對長時間工作的補償,也是吸引員工的歡樂插曲和招聘和品牌工具,但這並不是真正吸引人們到工作場所的東西,而且很明顯不是什麼激勵他們全力以赴。”







“歸根結底,人們之所以留在工作場所,是因為他們的經理、同事或他們對公司發生的事情有發言權的能力,”Iris Bar-Hava 解釋說,他是公司的人事副總裁。 探索。 “當公司變得非常大或經歷諸如上市之類的變化時,流程要求規則變得更加嚴格,留在公司的理由就會出現,有時員工很難找到自己的位置。”


“在這種情況下,公司需要以其他方式進行補償並增強社會情感方面的能力。 福利計劃試圖滿足人們以一種非正式的方式相互見面和聯繫的需求。 除此之外,人們喜歡與比自己更偉大的事物建立聯繫,那種“我們將改變世界”的感覺。這些公司所做的不是陳詞濫調,而是鼓勵人們參與到改變生活的過程中 經驗。”

Payoneer's Nagesh Devata: «Massive Opportunity in APAC»

Nagesh Devata, Regional VP, Payoneer

APAC has been a key contributor to the firm's overall growth, but Payoneer's regional vice president said there's still «massive opportunity,» given the explosive rise in digital commerce and freelancing in markets like India and the Philippines. 

«We're seeing more players come into the space, and online marketplaces for products and services are now more open to expanding beyond their home market to look at Southeast Asia and APAC as a whole for growth,» Payoneer's Nagesh Devata told in a conversation on the future of payments and the opportunities the company sees in Southeast Asia.

The online payments firm's Singapore-based regional VP has had a front-row seat to the sector's evolution since he began his career at Mastercard in 1997. Two decades later Devata joined PayPal, where he held several senior roles at its Singapore office, and in 2020 joined Payoneer, where he looks after its enterprise business for the APAC region. 

Explosive Growth 

Payoneer helps buyers, sellers, freelancers and gig workers connect with marketplaces around the world, allowing for seamless payments based on localized capabilities and multiple currencies. The fintech said it processed more than $44 billion in 2020 – more than double the volume in 2018. It also said it is profitable and expects to collect $432 million in revenue in 2021.

In February, Payoneer announced plans to go public via a $3.3 billion merger with a blank-cheque firm led by Betsy Cohen, and in March expanded its strategic partnership with Mastercard to better cater to the B2B market.

Demand for Services

«The problems surrounding cross-border payments have been around for a long time, and they are more pronounced for SMEs, which have lack of access to financial services,» Devata said. While effective cross-border payments have long been available to larger corporations, SMEs and freelancers lack the same access to instant payments, working capital, sophisticated merchant services and more.

The proliferation of online marketplaces and their ability to connect and service vendors and customers worldwide, along with growth in sectors such as online gaming, e-learning and livestreaming amid the pandemic, is creating a demand for such services.

«People are increasingly using these platforms to monetize whatever they are doing, and this is something that we have seen a significant level of growth and value in terms of how they use Payoneer,» Devata said.


Payoneer 的 Nagesh Devata:“亞太地區的巨大機遇”

亞太地區一直是該公司整體增長的關鍵貢獻者,但 Payoneer 的區域副總裁表示,鑑於印度和菲律賓等市場的數字商務和自由職業者的爆炸性增長,仍然存在“巨大的機會”。

Payoneer 的 Nagesh Devata 表示:“我們看到越來越多的參與者進入這個領域,產品和服務的在線市場現在更加開放,可以向本土市場以外的地區擴張,將東南亞和亞太地區視為一個整體的增長點。”在關於支付的未來和公司在東南亞看到的機會的對話中。

自 1997 年在萬事達卡開始職業生涯以來,這家在線支付公司的新加坡區域副總裁一直處於該行業發展的前列。 20 年後,Devata 加入 PayPal,在其新加坡辦事處擔任多個高級職位,並在2020 年加入 Payoneer,負責亞太地區的企業業務。


Payoneer 幫助買家、賣家、自由職業者和零工與世界各地的市場建立聯繫,允許基於本地化能力和多種貨幣的無縫支付。這家金融科技公司表示,它在 2020 年的處理量超過了 440 億美元,是 2018 年的兩倍多。它還表示它是盈利的,預計 2021 年的收入將達到 4.32 億美元。

2 月,Payoneer 宣布計劃通過與 Betsy Cohen 領導的空白支票公司 33 億美元的合併上市,並於 3 月擴大與萬事達卡的戰略合作夥伴關係,以更好地迎合 B2B 市場。




“人們越來越多地使用這些平台來通過他們所做的任何事情獲利,我們已經看到他們使用 Payoneer 的方式有了顯著的增長和價值,”Devata 說。

Payoneer Global Inc (PAYO) falls 2.36% for July 26

Today, Payoneer Global Inc Inc’s (NASDAQ: PAYO) stock fell $0.24, accounting for a 2.36% decrease. Payoneer Global opened at $10.01 before trading between $10.14 and $9.87 throughout Monday’s session. The activity saw Payoneer Global’s market cap fall to $785,483,590 on 1,345,254 shares -below their 30-day average of 2,123,803.

The Nasdaq Stock Market is a global leader in trading data and services, and equities and options listing. Nasdaq is the world's leading exchange for options volume and is home to the five largest US companies - Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet and Facebook.


Payoneer Global Inc (PAYO) 7 月 26 日下跌 2.36%

今天,Payoneer Global Inc(納斯達克股票代碼:PAYO)股價下跌0.24美元,跌幅為2.36%。 Payoneer Global 開盤價為 10.01 美元,隨後在周一的整個交易時段內交易於 10.14 美元至 9.87 美元之間。 這一活動導致 Payoneer Global 的市值跌至 785,483,590 美元,持有 1,345,254 股,低於 2,123,803 股的 30 天平均水平。

納斯達克股票市場是交易數據和服務以及股票和期權上市的全球領導者。 納斯達克是全球領先的期權交易量交易所,是美國五家最大的公司——蘋果、微軟、亞馬遜、Alphabet 和 Facebook 的所在地。

Aisha lost a million

[US] Aisha enjoys her life at home very much, and has a very fulfilling life every day. [TW] 愛紗很享受在家的生活,每天都過得相當充實。

[US] Aisha's new job is quite anticipated. [TW] 愛紗新工作讓人相當期待。

Shockingly reveals that the performing arts have big plans

The Japanese actress Aisha came to Taiwan in 2000. She used to be a big-mouthed female lead singer in the group. Her strength is obvious to all. Recently, she has focused on operating online channels and continues to be active in variety shows. However, the outbreak of the epidemic has indeed hit her pocketbook hard. "Sanli News Network" revealed that I lost millions during this period and can only do some work that I can do at home to make a living, such as broadcasting live broadcasts and job assignments. Regarding future work arrangements, she said that she is indeed secretly preparing a major plan, and if the results go well, she will definitely announce it as soon as possible.

Aisha said that she cooks live at home every day, and the main content focuses on cooking and interacting with fans. She laughed that she has spent more and more time in the kitchen in the past two years. In addition to her culinary skills, she did not forget to read many books "I want to fly into the sky", "Everything なりゆき樹希林のことば", chasing dramas and listening to music. I do, I like to listen to chill music!"

Speaking of losses, Aisha confessed that at least 7 figures are missing, but there are still jobs that can be done at home to make up for income, such as job matching and live broadcasting. At this stage, she also looks forward to returning to work as soon as possible, "I enjoy my work. I also attach great importance to life." I don’t worry about the sudden influx of work to fill up the itinerary, "I think I can arrange it just right."

Aisha finally said mysteriously that she is currently planning a major work project, "it will be revealed in a secret mode, and it is still in preliminary negotiations." Is it in the field of drama, hosting or singing? She clung to her tone, "It will take some time to be sure, I really can't say." Looking forward to a smooth result and the support of fans.


愛紗痛失百萬 驚曝演藝有大計畫


愛紗表示每天都在家下廚開直播,內容主軸圍繞在邊料理、邊跟粉絲們互動,笑說這兩年在廚房的時間越來越多了。除了精進廚藝,她也不忘閱讀多本書籍《我想飛進天空》 、《一切なりゆき 樹木希林のことば》、追劇和聽音樂,「音樂是早上起來到客廳打開窗簾之後,第二個做的事情,我喜歡聽chill music!」



Love yarn pride: Taiwan makes life richer

The actress Chida Aisha, who was born in Okinawa, Japan, recently recalled the key to Taiwan’s development on Facebook. She said that she had only three days to think about whether she wanted to make her debut in Taiwan. In an hour and a half, you can try it at such a close distance! Regarding her choice, Aisha proudly said, "The choice at that time was not wrong!"

In the variety show "Super Sunday" in 2000, Aisha formed a girl group "Sunday Girls" with Mai Sato, Tomoko Kogen and others. The group was disbanded in 2002, and most of the members chose to return to Japan. Aisha stayed in Japan. Acting and hosting in Taiwan, she continued to challenge her diversified outlook, and later became the female lead singer of the hip-hop group "Big Mouth" in 2007. She released multiple albums and was awarded the "Golden Melody Award for Best Singing Group" twice in 2008 and 2011 respectively. prize".

"I was often asked "What opportunity did I do in the performing arts industry?" on my face, and revealed that I was rather shy when I was a child. It was not until I was 8 years old that I started to feel confident and independent. When she came to Taiwan for the opportunity to develop, Aisha revealed that there were only three days to consider whether to come to Taiwan. The 17-year-old simply wanted to say that Taiwan and Okinawa are very close, and it is not difficult to go home.

In Taiwan’s life, Aisha has experienced the establishment and dissolution of a girl group, contacted host and performer, and also served as the female lead singer of "Big Mouth". However, Aisha said that she had never regretted coming to Taiwan to develop, but was thankful for herself. The brave decision at the time, "I am now very sure and confident to tell you that the choice at that time was not wrong, because coming to Taiwan, my life has become very rich." It revealed that Taiwan has brought her a rich life.




愛紗2000年時在綜藝節目《超級星期天》,和佐藤麻衣、高原朋子等人組成女團「Sunday Girls」 出道,團體於2002年解散,大部分的團員都選擇回到日本,愛紗則是留在台灣演戲、主持,繼續挑戰自己的多元面貌,後來2007年時成為嘻哈團體「大嘴巴」的女主唱,發行多張專輯,並分別在2008、2011年兩度獲頒「金曲獎最佳演唱組合獎」。



Aisha rarely reveals an opportunity for her debut!

It only took "three days" to decide to come to Taiwan: the choice at that time was not wrong

Japanese actress Aisha (Chida Aisha) has made her debut in Taiwan for many years, and has accumulated a lot of fame and won the love of many fans. She was originally selected as a girl group from the "Super Mobilization Order: Japanese Beautiful Girl" contest. A member of "Sunday Girls" debuted and released a record in Taiwan! After the group was disbanded, she and another member Mai continued to stay in Taiwan to develop. Fortunately, she joined the group "Big Mouth" and continued to develop her singing career. She is still working hard in the performing arts circle. Recently, she recalled why she came to Taiwan to develop. Regarding the matter, Aisha also posted a sensual post on Facebook and attached a video of singing on stage when she was 8 years old, which aroused enthusiastic attention and discussion among netizens!

Aisha posted on Facebook on the 26th a video of her performance when she was 8 years old, letting everyone see her in a white dress, singing and dancing with another partner on stage, her appearance is very cute! And she also wrote in her post that people often ask her about the opportunity to enter the show business. She said, "In the beginning, her parents tried to help her discover her interests, so she was asked to learn piano, traditional art, karate, writing brush, and communication. Education, abacus, etc." She even bluntly said that only the performance she learned in the performing arts school made her full of enthusiasm!

In addition, Ai Sha also revealed that she was relatively introverted and shy when she was a child, very insecure, and liked to stay with her parents, but since she was exposed to acting, she gradually built up self-confidence and became more independent. Later, she was given the opportunity to come to Taiwan to develop, but she was under time pressure and she had to make a decision within three days!

Ai Sha revealed that she originally planned to fly from her hometown of Okinawa to Tokyo to find a job, but she did not expect to be able to "go abroad for development" suddenly, so she made up her mind to come to Taiwan within three days! She also said, "The idea at the time was very simple. It took only an hour and a half to fly from Okinawa to Taipei. I could do my favorite performance and learn Chinese. Flying to Taiwan is definitely killing two birds with one stone~", but then she also encountered it along the way. A lot of ups and downs.

In the end, Aisha also said firmly, "I am sure now, and I am confident that I can tell you that the choice at that time was not wrong." After coming to Taiwan, she believes that her life has become more abundant! After reading the article, many netizens left messages full of people who support Aisha, and Huang Shanliao of "One Shirt" also left a message saying, "It is very happy to be able to like one thing and like it for 30 years! Chie Tanaka, also a Japanese actress who lives in Taiwan, said, "Taiwan is a blessed land for both of us~".



日籍女星愛紗(千田愛紗)在台灣出道多年,累積了不少名氣,也獲得許多粉絲喜愛,她當初從「超級動員令之日本美少女」徵選活動中,被挑中為女團「Sunday Girls」一員出道,來台推出唱片!在團體解散後,她也跟另一位成員麻衣繼續留在台灣發展,她也幸運的加入團體「大嘴巴」繼續發展歌唱事業,至今仍在演藝圈努力不懈,最近回想起當時為何來台發展一事,愛紗也在臉書感性發文並附上8歲時上台唱歌的影片,引起網友們熱烈關注與討論!





Don’t Let Cerner Corporation (CERN), Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (PAYO) Noise Distract You From The Bigger Picture

POLARIS WEALTH ADVISORY GROUP LL bought a fresh place in Cerner Corporation (NASDAQ:CERN). The institutional investor bought 442.4 thousand shares of the stock in a transaction took place on 6/30/2021. In another most recent transaction, which held on 4/30/2021, LYXOR INTERNATIONAL ASSET MANAGE bought approximately 133.5 thousand shares of Cerner Corporation In a separate transaction which took place on 7/08/2021, the institutional investor, IRISH LIFE INVESTMENT MANAGERS L bought 107.4 thousand shares of the company’s stock. The total Institutional investors and hedge funds own 87.40% of the company’s stock.

In the most recent purchasing and selling session, Cerner Corporation (CERN)’s share price increased by 1.35 percent to ratify at $79.35. A sum of 2607037 shares traded at recent session and its average exchanging volume remained at 2.83M shares. The 52-week price high and low points are important variables to concentrate on when assessing the current and prospective worth of a stock. Cerner Corporation (CERN) shares are taking a pay cut of -5.76% from the high point of 52 weeks and flying high of 18.88% from the low figure of 52 weeks.

Cerner Corporation (CERN) shares reached a high of $79.49 and dropped to a low of $78.30 until finishing in the latest session at $78.485. Traders and investors may also choose to study the ATR or Average True Range when concentrating on technical inventory assessment. Currently at 1.12 is the 14-day ATR for Cerner Corporation (CERN). The highest level of 52-weeks price has $84.20 and $66.75 for 52 weeks lowest level. After the recent changes in the price, the firm price to earnings ratio of 30.37 and price to earnings growth ratio of 2.62. The liquidity ratios which the firm has won as a quick ratio of 2.10, a current ratio of 2.10 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.43.

Having a look at past record, we’re going to look at various forwards or backwards shifting developments regarding CERN. The firm’s shares rose 1.98 percent in the past five business days and grew 1.15 percent in the past thirty business days. In the previous quarter, the stock rose 5.09 percent at some point. The company’s performance is now positive at 1.11% from the beginning of the calendar year.

According to WSJ, Cerner Corporation (CERN) obtained an estimated Overweight proposal from the 22 brokerage firms currently keeping a deep eye on the stock performance as compares to its rivals. 1 equity research analysts rated the shares with a selling strategy, 6 gave a hold approach, 12 gave a purchase tip, 1 gave the firm a overweight advice and 2 put the stock under the underweight category. The average price goal of one year between several banks and credit unions that last year discussed the stock is $82.26.

Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (PAYO) shares on Tuesday’s trading session, dropped -3.62 percent to see the stock exchange hands at $9.58 per unit. Lets a quick look at company’s past reported and future predictions of growth using the EPS Growth. EPS growth is a percentage change in standardized earnings per share over the trailing-twelve-month period to the current year-end. The company will post -$0.12 for the coming year. The current EPS Growth rate predicted to reach at 30.00% for the coming year.

The last trading period has seen Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (PAYO) move -33.93% and 6.21% from the stock’s 52-week high and 52-week low prices respectively. The daily trading volume for Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (NASDAQ:PAYO) over the last session is 1.49 million shares. PAYO has attracted considerable attention from traders and investors, a scenario that has seen its volume drop -14.93% compared to the previous one.

Investors focus on the profitability proportions of the company that how the company performs at profitability side. Return on equity ratio or ROE is a significant indicator for prospective investors as they would like to see just how effectively a business is using their cash to produce net earnings. As a return on equity, Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (NASDAQ:PAYO) produces 0.00%. Because it would be easy and highly flexible, ROI measurement is among the most popular investment ratios. Executives could use it to evaluate the levels of performance on acquisitions of capital equipment whereas investors can determine that how the stock investment is better. The ROI entry for PAYO’s scenario is at 0.00%. Another main metric of a profitability ratio is the return on assets ratio or ROA that analyses how effectively a business can handle its assets to generate earnings over a duration of time. Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (PAYO) generated 0.00% ROA for the trading twelve-month.

Volatility is just a proportion of the anticipated day by day value extend—the range where an informal investor works. Greater instability implies more noteworthy benefit or misfortune. After an ongoing check, Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (PAYO) stock is found to be 3.89% volatile for the week, while 4.71% volatility is recorded for the month. The outstanding shares have been calculated 97.06M. Based on a recent bid, its distance from 20 days simple moving average is -3.79%, and its distance from 50 days simple moving average is -4.59% while it has a distance of -9.19% from the 200 days simple moving average.

The Williams Percent Range or Williams %R is a well-known specialized pointer made by Larry Williams to help recognize overbought and oversold circumstances. Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock (NASDAQ:PAYO)’s Williams Percent Range or Williams %R at the time of writing to be seated at 55.91% for 9-Day. It is also calculated for different time spans. Relative Strength Index, or RSI(14), which is a technical analysis gauge, also used to measure momentum on a scale of zero to 100 for overbought and oversold. In the case of Payoneer Global Inc. Common Stock, the RSI reading has hit 43.82 for 14-Day.


不要讓 Cerner Corporation (CERN)、Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股 (PAYO) 的噪音分散您的注意力

POLARIS WEALTH ADVISORY GROUP LL 購買了 Cerner Corporation(納斯達克股票代碼:CERN)的新地方。機構投資者在 2021 年 6 月 30 日的交易中購買了 44.24 萬股股票。在 2021 年 4 月 30 日舉行的另一筆最近的交易中,LYXOR INTERNATIONAL ASSET MANAGE 購買了 Cerner Corporation 的約 133.5 萬股在 2021 年 7 月 8 日發生的另一筆交易中,機構投資者 IRISH LIFE INVESTMENT MANAGERS L買入10.74萬股公司股票。機構投資者和對沖基金持有公司 87.40% 的股份。

在最近的買賣交易時段,Cerner Corporation (CERN) 的股價上漲 1.35%,收於 79.35 美元。近一交易日成交2607037股,平均成交量維持在283萬股。 52 週的價格高點和低點是評估股票當前和未來價值時需要關注的重要變量。 Cerner Corporation (CERN) 的股價從 52 週的高點下跌了 -5.76%,從 52 週的低點上漲了 18.88%。

Cerner Corporation (CERN) 股價達到 79.49 美元的高點,然後跌至 78.30 美元的低點,直到最新交易日收於 78.485 美元。交易者和投資者在專注於技術庫存評估時也可以選擇研究 ATR 或平均真實範圍。目前 1.12 是 Cerner Corporation (CERN) 的 14 天 ATR。 52 週最高價位為 84.20 美元,52 週最低價為 66.75 美元。經過近期價格變動,公司市盈率為30.37,市盈率為2.62。該公司獲得的流動性比率為 2.10 的速動比率、2.10 的流動比率和 0.43 的債務權益比率。

看看過去的記錄,我們將看看關於 CERN 的各種向前或向後轉移的發展。該公司股價在過去五個工作日上漲 1.98%,在過去三十個工作日上漲 1.15%。在上一季度,該股在某個時候上漲了 5.09%。從日曆年初開始,該公司的業績現在為正值,為 1.11%。

據《華爾街日報》報導,Cerner Corporation (CERN) 從目前密切關注股票表現的 22 家經紀公司獲得了一份估計增持的建議,與其競爭對手相比。 1 位股票研究分析師以賣出策略對股票進行評級,6 位給出了持有方法,12 位給出了買入提示,1 位給出了公司增持建議,2 位將股票歸入減持類別。去年討論該股票的幾家銀行和信用合作社之間的一年平均價格目標為 82.26 美元。

Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股 (PAYO) 股價在周二的交易時段下跌 -3.62%,股票交易價格為每單位 9.58 美元。讓我們使用每股收益增長快速查看公司過去報告的增長和未來的增長預測。 EPS 增長是截至當前年底的過去 12 個月期間標準化每股收益的百分比變化。該公司將在下一年發布 - 0.12 美元。當前每股收益增長率預計將在未來一年達到 30.00%。

在上一個交易期,Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股 (PAYO) 分別從股票的 52 周高點和 52 週低點上漲了 -33.93% 和 6.21%。 Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股(納斯達克股票代碼:PAYO)上個交易日的日交易量為 149 萬股。 PAYO 引起了交易員和投資者的極大關注,與之前相比,其成交量下降了 -14.93%。

投資者關注的是公司在盈利方面的表現,公司的盈利比例。股本回報率或 ROE 是潛在投資者的重要指標,因為他們希望了解企業使用現金產生淨收益的效率。作為股本回報率,Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股(納斯達克股票代碼:PAYO)產生 0.00%。因為它很容易且高度靈活,所以 ROI 衡量是最受歡迎的投資比率之一。高管可以使用它來評估資本設備收購的績效水平,而投資者可以確定股票投資如何更好。 PAYO 場景的 ROI 條目為 0.00%。盈利率的另一個主要指標是資產回報率或 ROA,它分析了企業在一段時間內如何有效地處理其資產以產生收益。 Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股 (PAYO) 在 12 個月的交易中產生了 0.00% 的 ROA。

波動率只是預期的每日價值擴展的一部分——非正式投資者的工作範圍。更大的不穩定性意味著更值得注意的好處或不幸。經過持續檢查,發現 Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股 (PAYO) 股票本週波動率為 3.89%,而當月波動率為 4.71%。已發行股份已計算為 97.06M。根據最近的出價,它與20天簡單移動平均線的距離為-3.79%,與50天簡單移動平均線的距離為-4.59%,而與200天簡單移動平均線的距離為-9.19%。

威廉姆斯百分比範圍或威廉姆斯 %R 是拉里·威廉姆斯 (Larry Williams) 為幫助識別超買和超賣情況而製作的著名專業指標。 Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股(納斯達克股票代碼:PAYO)在撰寫本文時的威廉姆斯百分比範圍或威廉姆斯 %R 為 55.91%,為期 9 天。它還針對不同的時間跨度進行計算。相對強弱指數或 RSI(14) 是一種技術分析指標,也用於衡量超買和超賣的 0 到 100 範圍內的動量。就 Payoneer Global Inc. 普通股而言,RSI 讀數已連續 14 天達到 43.82。